
February 27, 2015

WSE Washington Award 2015

Location: Chicago, IL

2013 President from AIST, Dale Heinz, represented AIME and its Member Societies Friday, February 27, 2015, at the Drake Hotel in Chicago where the Western Society of Engineers hosted the 102nd annual presentation of the Washington Award to Bernard Amadei, Professor of Civil Engineering at UC-Boulder and founder of Engineers Without Borders-USA.  The group also recognizes student engineering competition (Future City, Bridge Building, First Robotics, Essay/Poster Contest, IL Science Fair, Destination Imagination) finalists in the area.  Developed in 1916, the Washington Award reminds us that our first president was an engineer and recognizes an engineer whose accomplishments have "pre-eminently promoted the happiness, comfort and well-being of humanity." AIME participates as one of 7 societies in selecting the Washington Award recipient annually.  The current committee representative is Alan Cramb, Provost at the Illinois Institute of Technology.