United Engineering Foundation Board and Founder Society Presidents and Executive Directors Meeting 2017 *
AIME leadership was at the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, MO for the United Engineering Foundation Board and Founder Society Presidents and Executive Directors meetings on September 7-8, 2017. UEF representatives from SPE, Mark Rubin, SME, George Luxbacher, and TMS, Garry Warren participated in the former with AIME President from AIST, John Speer, and AIME Executive Director, Michele Lawrie-Munro observing and leading the participants for AIME in the latter. AIME's sister society, ASCE, also hosted a dinner at local favorite, Grand Street. Photos include a viewing of the rare book, Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica and a tour through the groups' donated publications in the stacks. AIME will host the meetings next fall at TMS' new offices in Pittsburgh, PA.