TMS Annual Meeting 2017*
The TMS 2017 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2017) was held February 26-March 2 in San Diego, CA, USA. It was a record-breaking year for TMS, with well over 4,600 attendees. This year's meeting included more than 70 symposia in 11 topic areas, and attendees also had access to the full technical programs of two co-located conferences: the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress and Energy Materials 2017. AIME sponsored the 2nd Bladesmithing Competition where winners were announced (and all entries were displayed) in the Exhibit Hall. AIME President from SME, Nikhil Trivedi, attended the awards banquet to confer AIME Honorary Membership and the Champ Mathewson and Robert Lansing Hardy awards, as well as the Henry DeWitt Smith graduate scholarship.
A video of the 2017 TMS Bladesmithing Competition Awards and additional information can be found at: https://youtu.be/5Plcb1U0uK8.