SPE Annual Meeting 2016*
SPE's Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) in Dubai was a huge success, having seen 7,500 industry professionals from 91 countries passing through the doors of the Dubai World Trade Centre. 2016 AIME President from SME, Nikhil Trivdei, helped 2016 SPE President, D. Nathan Meehan, present awards to the recipients during the Annual Awards Banquet Tuesday evening. Nikhil and AIME Executive Director, Michele Lawrie-Munro, also attended the SPE Board meeting (where AIME Trustee, Roland Moreau, is the VP Finance), SPE Past Presidents (Owls Club)/Foundation Dinner (where AIME Trustee and SPE Foundation President, Kate Baker, channeled SPE Foundation Past President, DeAnn Craig, via an "owl avatar"), and President's Luncheon (where Nathan passed the gavel to incoming President, Janeen Judah). Next year's ATCE will be in San Antonio, TX.