NAE Changing the Conversation Outreach Website Link
In January 2011, the National Academy of Engineering (wwa.nae.edu) released a link to its new website that pulls together effective examples of promotion of engineering (see The Messages, Messaging Examples) using Changing the Conversation research they did a few years ago. It includes data relative to areas of concern (e.g. the public’s image of engineering, limited diversity withiin the profession) as well as messaging tips. The team developing this envisioned professional Societies sharing it with members doing outreach. Enjoy…
From:Keitz, Maribeth [mailto:MKeitz@nas.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:20 AM
To: Michele LawrieMunro
Subject: NAE Engineering Messages Website
Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of the NAE Committee on Implementing Engineering Messages, co-chaired by Ellen Kullman (DuPont) and Charles M. Vest (NAE), I am pleased to announce the official launch of the Changing the Conversation website (www.engineeringmessages.org). The site is intended to help improve the effectiveness and impact of the engineering community’s efforts to communicate to the public about engineering. The site is part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation that will also result, later this year, in publication of an Action Plan.
We encourage you to share this with your friends and colleagues who may find the site of interest. The site’s effectiveness will depend critically on active participation by the engineering community.
We will be carefully monitoring usage of the site over the coming weeks with an eye toward gauging the site’s reception among our core audiences. We envision a broader promotion of the site sometime in the next several months.
For more information, contact Greg Pearson, Senior Program Officer, National Academy of Engineering, Phone: 202/334-2282, E-mail: gpearson@nae.edu.