The Genesis and Growth of AIST
Date: June 21, 2021

The Genesis and Growth of AIST

AIME's first technical committee was Iron and Steel in 1912, which later became the Iron and Steel Division in 1928.


On March 22, 1912, a special committee was established to consider forming an Iron and Steel section of the society. With increasing membership - exceeding 4,000 - the Institute's interests were growing and becoming more diverse. The idea for a technical committee with its focus on specific interests meant AIME could expand its mission and productivity. When created, the section's responsibility was to secure papers and discussions on iron and steel for the society's meetings. In 1928, when the Iron and Steel Division was created, its focus was on the production of pig iron and the making of steel -- the founding, alloying, fabricating, metallography, and engineering uses of iron and its alloys. 

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