AAES K-12 Forum
Maximizing Effectiveness Through Collaboration
The purpose of the AAES K-12 Forum is to highlight engineering educational outreach programs that incorporate the changing the conversation messaging and are in search of collaborative support from the engineering community.
Ready on the SET …and Action Initiative
For more information: www.eiconline.com OR http://eiconline.org/readyontheset/default.html
Changing the Conversation Toolkit
To view the video and provide feedback, email: GPearson@nas.edu
Engineer Your Life
EYL Web site: http://www.engineeryourlife.org/
Inspire Innovation (ASME, ASCE, IEEE, JETS)
Inspire Innovation Web site: http://www.jets.org/custom/inspireinnovation/
Family Engineering
Visit: www.familyengineering.org
Discover Engineering
Visit: www.mydiscover-e.org