
Y. Austin Chang

Y. Austin Chang

AIME Past Trustee
2000 - 2001
Member Society

Y. Austin Chang is distinguished professor in the Department of Materials science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He received his BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering from UC-Berkeley and UW-Seattle, respectively, and his PhD in metallurgy from UC-Berkeley. Dr. Chang spent several years in industry prior to joining the faculty of the Materials Department of UW-Milwaukee in 1967. In 1980, he joined the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UW- Madison. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and has received numerous honors and awards. Those from TMS include the William-Hume Rothery Award in 1989, Fellow of TMS in 1989, the Educator Award in 1990, the Extraction and Processing Award in 1993, the Champion H. Mathewson Medal in 1996, and the John Bardeen Award in 2000. Dr. Chang is very active in the materials community and currently serves as TMS vice president. He is year 2000 president of TMS. Dr. Chang has authored or co-authored more than 350 publications and holds one patent.