
William Embry Wrather

William Embry Wrather

AIME Past Trustee
1945 - 1950, 1921 - 1923
Member Society

As Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, William Embry Wrather, President of the Institute for 1948, presides over the world's largest staff of geologists. Dr. Wrather was born in Brandenhurg, Kentucky in 1883. After graduation from the University of Chicago in 1907 he pursued graduate studies for two years before starting his professional career as petroleum geologist. He practiced both at home and abroad fora number of years with bis headquarters in Texas. During the war he went to Washington as Associate Chief of the Metals ,and Minerals Division, Board of Economic Warfare; and in 1943 was appointed, by President Roosevelt, Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. He has lectured on geology at a half dozen universities and is the author of numerous technical papers. Dr. Wrather participated actively in professional societies which were related to his work. He was a founder member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and aided in the formulation of its standards and policies, serving as its President in 1921. In 1933, he served as Chairman of the A.I.M.E. Petroleum Division and as Director of the Institute in 1921-23. He was President of the Society of Economic Geologists in 1934. He is a Life Trustee of the National Geographic Society and has been awarded many honorary degrees.