Roy H. Koerner
Roy H. Koerner, 1995 SPE President, recently retired from Texaco Exploration Inc. in Denver, Colorado. After earning a BS degree in petroleum engineering from the University of Tulsa in 1958, he joined Texaco as a field engineer and earned his MS degree in petroleum engineering from Louisiana Tech University in 1968. Mr. Koerner held many engineering and management posts during his career including division engineer, assistant to the general manager and division manager. He has held many SPE positions since joining as a student in 1957; he was section chairman in Midland, Texas and was elected to the SPE Board of Directors in 1989. He served and chaired several task forces and subsequently began his three year officer term as president-elect in 1993. Mr. Koerner was elected an SPE Distinguished Member in 1995 and was elected Vice President of the SPE Foundation in 1998.