James Rowland Cudworth
James Rowland Cudworth is Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of the College of Engineering at the University of Alabama. He retired in 1968. Dean Cudworth was born in New England and was graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1921 with a B.S. in Geological Engineering. He worked in Mexico after graduation with Real del Monte, Asarco and Penoles in the Operating and Mine Examination Division before returning to academic life at M.I.T. and later the University of Alabama. He received an M.S. in 1930 from the University of Alabama and then joined that faculty as an Instructor in Mining. He rose to be Head Professor and Director of the School of Mines of the university with a final promotion to the Deanship of the College of Engineering in 1950. He was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Science in 1959 for his academic work at the university and consulting work with various industrial corporations. Dean Cudworth has served as a consultant with many organizations including the National Research Council of the National Academy of Science of which he was Assistant Executive Director of the Minerals and Metals Advisory Board in 1952-1953, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the U.S. Defense Department and the U.S. Bureau of Mines, with whom he has been a consultant since 1928. He has held offices in the American Association of Engineering Education, the Engineers' Council for Professional Development and the Alabama Academy of Science. He has been active in AIME as Chairman of the Southeast Section and of the Mineral Industry Education Division and as Vice Chairman of the Coal and Industrial Minerals Divisions. Dean Cudworth has published many technical papers on coal research, industrial minerals and engineering education and he was honored in 1968 by the state of Alabama as an Outstanding Engineer.