Ira B. Joralemon
Ira Beaman Joralemon received both his A.B. (Magnum Cum Laude) and A.M. in Mining and Metallurgy from Harvard in 1905. His early work in geology and mining from 1907-16 was with Calumet and Arizona Mining Company where he became chief geologist. His discerning report in 1912 on the prospects for copper ore in the United Verde Extension ground at Jerome, Arizona, gave timely encouragement and guidance to the exploration which led to the discovery of rich copper ore bodies that made this enterprise outstanding in mining history. Since 1923 the consulting work of Mr. Joralemon has taken him to every continent except Antarctica. He has served as a lecturer in mining geology at the Universities of California, Stanford, Harvard and Wisconsin. From 1917-19 he was in the United States Air Service and was made a Chevalier of the French Legion d'Honneur in 1918. In World War II he served with both the War Production Board and with Metals Reserve Company and later was for some time chairman of the Advisory Committee on Raw Materials, Atomic Energy Commission. Mr. Joralemon is past president of the Society of Economic Geologists and has served as a director of the Mining and Metallurgical Society of America and of AIME. He is a director of the Homestake Mining Company and the Bunker Hill Company.