
G. Hugh Walker

G. Hugh Walker

AIME Past Trustee
1991 - 1994, 1986 - 1987
Member Society

G. Hugh Walker received his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Queen's University (Canada) in 1954 and his Master's in Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario in 1959. Mr. Walker joined Dofasco that same year and worked in the Engineering Department until 1961 and in Mechanical

Maintenance until 1963. He then held the following positions in the Coke and Iron Division: Engineer, Division Foreman, Superintendent, and Manager. In November 1991, he became Works Manager until September, 1992, when he was made Vice President, Manufacturing.

Mr. Walker received the Ironmaking Conference Award in 1974, the Sidney Gilchrist Thomas Medal in 1976, and the T. l. Joseph Award in 1986. He was Chairman of the Ironmaking Division In 1982 and served on the Society's Board of Directors from 1981-1983. In 1985-86, he served on the AIME Board and in 1986 was President of the Iron and Steel Society. Mr. Walker was named an ISS Distinguished Member in 1989.