Dennis L. McElroy
Dennis L. McElroy is currently a Mining Consultant in Pittsburgh and a Member of the Board and of the Executive Committee of the National Mine Service Company, Pittsburgh. He is also a Member of the Board of the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal Company, Indiana, Pennsylvania. He retired in 1965 from the position of Executive Vice President and Director of the Consolidation Coal Company. Mr. McElroy received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from West Virginia University. He went on to become Chairman of the Mining Engineering Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute from 1938-1939 and Director of the School of Mines and Industrial Extension at West Virginia University from 1939-1943. He was also Head of the Coal Section of the War Production Board from 1941-1943. He joined the Consolidation Coal Company in 1943 as Chief Engineer and later served as Vice President of Engineering and Vice President of Operations before being appointed Director in 1959 and Executive Vice President in 1960. In 1965 he was selected to be a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce Survey Team to the Philippines. Mr. McElroy became a member of AIME in 1926, and he has held a number of important positions in the Institute. He served as President of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME in 1967 and as a Director of AI ME for the years 1966-1968. He has also been affiliated with the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania and the West Virginia Coal Mining Institute and is a Past President of both. An active alumnus of West Virginia University, Mr. McElroy is a Past President of the West Virginia University Alumni Association, a Life Trustee of the Alumni Association's Loyalty Endowment Fund, and he is one of fifty West Virginia University alumni to have received the "Order of Vandalia" Award. He is a member of the Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, and Sigma Gamma Epsilon fraternities.