William H. Wise
William H. Wise is Vice President of Planning and Technology for Chromasco Limited. He has worked thirty-one years in production, engineering, research and development, and corporate management with Union Carbide, Pittsburgh Metallurgical, Chromasco, Airco Alloys, and Metal Sciences, Inc. During the past fifteen years his duties have covered long-range planning, logistics, metallurgy, and technology, both domestic and international.
Mr. Wise received a Metallurgical Engineering Degree from the University of Kentucky in 1949 after serving with the Army Air Corps in World War II, earning his commission in the field. Long active in AIME, he has served on a number of institute committees. He was a Director of The Metallurgical Society of AIME in 1972, President of the Iron and Steel Society of AIME and an AIME Director in 1974, and an AIME Vice President in 1976.
Mr. Wise received the James B. Austin Award from the Iron and Steel Society of AIME in 1976. He was awarded Honorary Membership in the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan in 1975.