Paul G. Campbell, Jr.
Paul G. Campbell, Jr. is Executive Vice President of Alcoa, one of the world's leading primary aluminum companies. He had been associated with Alumax since 1978 when he joined the management cadre responsible for engineering, construction and startup of the Mount Holly company and was the vice president-operations prior to its acquisition by Alcoa. Prior to his association with Alumax, he held key management positions with Revere Copper and Brass Corp.
Mr. Campbell is a graduate of Clemson University with a BS in Chemical Engineering and he earned his MBA from Jacksonville State University. He is the author of numerous technical articles, as well as editor of Light Metals, technical handbook of the aluminum industry. His industrial honors include service as vice president and director of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society as well as membership in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and ASM International. Mr. Campbell is very active in educational and community affairs and in 1993 Governor Carroll Campbell appointed him to a two-year term as chairman of the Board of Regents, "Leadership in South Carolina." He was the 1998 TMS President.