Title Date
A Brief History of The Science of Metals, 1948  1948
A Glossary of Mining & Metallurgical Terms, 1881  1881
A History of American Mining, 1932  1932
A History of Phelps Dodge, 1834-1950  1834-1950
AIME Centennial Volume 1871-1970  1871-1971
AIME Directories 1926-1928  1926-1928
AIME Directories 1929-1931  1929-1931
AIME Directories 1932-1933  1932-1933
AIME Directories 1934-1935  1934-1935
AIME Directories 1945-1946  1945-1946
AIME Directories 1947-1948-1950  1947-48-50
AIME Directories 1958-1961  1958-1961
AIME Directory 1936  1936
AIME Directory 1939  1939
AIME Directory 1940  1940
AIME Directory 1941  1941
AIME Directory 1942  1942
AIME Directory 1943  1943
AIME Directory 1944  1944
AIME Officers and Committees 1949, 1951-1960  1949-1951-1960
AIME Technical Publications - 1920  1920
AIME Technical Publications & Contributions 1943-1944  1943-1944
AIME Technical Publications - 1925 - 1391-1452  1925
AIME Technical Publications - 1925 - 1453-1511  1925
AIME Technical Publications - 1921  1921
AIME Technical Publications - 1922  1922
AIME Technical Publications - 1924  1924
AIME Technical Publications - 1926  1926
AIME Technical Publications - 1927  1927
AIME Technical Publications - 1928 - A-E  1928
AIME Technical Publications - 1928 - F-L  1928
AIME Technical Publications - 1929 - A-E  1929
AIME Technical Publications - 1929 - F-L  1929
AIME Technical Publications - 1930 - A-E  1930
AIME Technical Publications - 1931 - A-E  1931
AIME Technical Publications - 1931 - F-L  1931
AIME Technical Publications - 1932 - A-E  1932
AIME Technical Publications - 1932 - F-L  1932
AIME Technical Publications - 1933 - A-E  1933
AIME Technical Publications - 1933 - F-L  1933
AIME Technical Publications - 1934  1934
AIME Technical Publications - 1935  1935
AIME Technical Publications - 1936 - A-E  1936
AIME Technical Publications - 1936 - F-L  1936
AIME Technical Publications - 1937 - A-E  1937
AIME Technical Publications - 1937 - F-L  1937
AIME Technical Publications - 1938 - A-E  1938
AIME Technical Publications - 1938 - F-L  1938
AIME Technical Publications - 1939 - A-E  1939
AIME Technical Publications - 1939 - F-L  1939
AIME Technical Publications - 1940 - A-E  1940
AIME Technical Publications - 1940 - F-L  1940
AIME Technical Publications and Contributions 1941  1941
AIME Technical Publications and Contributions 1942  1942
AIME Transactions 1-247  1871-1970
AIME Yearbook 1934  1934
AIME Yearbook 1935  1935
AIME Yearbook 1936  1936
AIME Yearbook 1937  1937
AIME Yearbook 1938  1938
AIME Yearbooks 1911-1912-1914 1915-1916-1917  1911-1912 1914-15-16-17
AIME Yearbooks 1904-1905-1907 1908-1909-1910  1904-1905 1907-08-09-10
AIME Yearbooks 1918-1923  1918-193
AIME Yearbooks 1920-1925  1920-1925
AIME Yearbooks 1948-50-52  1948-50-52
AIME Yearbooks 1924-1931  1924-1931
Basic Open Hearth Steelmaking - Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking Committee, 1944  1944
Basic Open Hearth Steelmaking, Physical Chemistry of Steelmaking Committee, 1964  1964
Basic Open Hearth Steelmaking, 1951  1951
Bergwerk und Probierbuchlein  1949
Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, & Raw Materials 1960  1960
Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, & Raw Materials 1961  1961
Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, & Raw Materials 1962  1962
Bulletin of the AIME 1905 1-6  1905
Bulletin of the AIME 1906 - 7-12  1906
Bulletin of the AIME 1907 - 13-18  1907
Bulletin of the AIME 1908 - 19-24  1908
Bulletin of the AIME 1909 - 25-36  1909
Bulletin of the AIME 1910 - 37-48  1910
Bulletin of the AIME 1911 - 49-60  1911
Bulletin of the AIME 1912 - 61-66  1912
Bulletin of the AIME 1912 - 67-72  1912
Bulletin of the AIME 1913 - 79-81  1913
Bulletin of the AIME 1913 - 82-84  1913
Bulletin of the AIME 1914 - 85-88  1914
Bulletin of the AIME 1914 - 89-92  1914
Bulletin of the AIME 1914 - 93-96  1914
Bulletin of the AIME 1915 - 101-104  1915
Bulletin of the AIME 1915 - 105-108  1915
Bulletin of the AIME 1915 97-100  1915
Bulletin of the AIME 1916 - 117-120  1916
Bulletin of the AIME 1916 - 109-112  1916
Bulletin of the AIME 1916 - 113-116  1916
Bulletin of the AIME 1917 - 121-124  1917
Bulletin of the AIME 1917 - 125-128  1917
Bulletin of the AIME 1917 - 129-132  1917
Bulletin of the AIME 1918 - 133-136  1918
Bulletin of the AIME 1918 - 137-140  1918
Bulletin of the AIME 1918 - 141-144  1918
Bulletin of the AIME 1919 - 145-148  1919
Bulletin of the AIME 1919 - 149-152  1919
Bulletin of the AIME 1919 - 153  1919
Bulletin of the AIME 1919 - 154-156  1919
Choices of Methods in Mining and Metallurgy  1932
Coal Preparation, 1943  1943
Coal Preparation, 1950  1950
Coal Through the Ages, 1935  1935
Coal Through The Ages, 1939  1939
Conference on Reverberatory Smelting Practice, 1930  1930
Cumulative Index of Mining Publications of SME/AIME 1936-1968  1936-1968
Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy, 1922  1922
Dislocations in Metals, 1954  1954
Economics of the Mineral Industries, 1959  1959
Economics of the Mineral Industries, 1964  1964
Economics Transactions 1982 Economics in Transition  1982
Electric Furnace 1943-1957  1943-1957
Electric Furnace 1944  1944
Electric Furnace 1947  1947
Electric Furnace 1949  1949
Electric Furnace 1956  1956
Electric Furnace 1957  1957
Electric Furnace 1958  1958
Electric Furnace 1959  1959
Electric Furnace 1960  1960
Electric Furnace 1961  1961
Electric Furnace 1962  1962
Electric Furnace 1963  1963
Electric Furnace 1964  1964
Electric Furnace 1965  1965
Electric Furnace 1966  1966
Electric Furnace 1968  1968
Electric Furnace 1970  1970
Electric Furnace 1971  1971
Electric Furnace 1972  1972
Electric Furnace 1975  1975
Electric Furnace 1976  1976
Erskine Ramsay, A Biographical Memoir, 1953  1953
Extractive Metallurgy of Lead and Zinc - Vol. II, 1970  1970
Gasification and Liquefaction of Coal Symposium 1952  1952
General Alphabetical and Analytical Index of Transactions, Vol. I-XXXV, 1871-1915  1871-1915
General Alphabetical and Analytical Index of Transactions, Vol. LVI-LXXII, 1917-1925  1917-1925
General Alphabetical and Analytical Index of Transactions, Vol. LXXIII-CXVII, 1926-1935  1926-1935
General Alphabetical and Analytical Index of Transactions, Vol. XXXVI-LV, 1905-1916  1905-1916
Georgius Argricola - De Re Metallica, 1950  1950
History of Iron and Steelmaking in the United States, 1961  1961
History of the Institute 1871-1970
Industrial Minerals and Rocks, 1949  1949
Institute of Metals Division 1927  1927
International Resource Management, 1978  1978
Ironmaking Proceedings 1963  1963
Ironmaking Proceedings 1964  1964
Ironmaking Proceedings 1965  1965
Ironmaking Proceedings 1966  1966
Ironmaking Proceedings 1967  1967
Ironmaking Proceedings 1968  1968
Ironmaking Proceedings 1969  1969
Ironmaking Proceedings 1971  1971
Ironmaking Proceedings 1972  1972
Ironmaking Proceedings 1973  1973
Ironmaking Proceedings 1974  1974
Ironmaking Proceedings 1975  1975
Ironmaking Proceedings 1976  1976
Ironmaking Proceedings 1977  1977
J.K. Brimacombe - Reflections and Perspectives  2000
Journal of Metals 1949  1949
Journal of Metals 1950  1950
Journal of Metals 1951  1951
Journal of Metals 1952  1952
Journal of Metals 1953  1953
Journal of Metals 1954  1954
Journal of Metals 1955  1955
Journal of Metals 1956  1956
Journal of Metals 1957  1957
Journal of Metals 1958  1958
Journal of Metals 1959  1959
Journal of Metals 1960  1960
Metallurgical Reminiscences, 1937  1937
Metals Technology, 1934, Vol. I  1934
Metals Technology, 1935, Vol. II  1935
Metals Technology, 1936, Vol. III  1936
Metals Technology, 1937, Vol. IV  1937
Metals Technology, 1938, Vol. V  1938
Metals Technology, 1939, Vol. VI  1939
Metals Technology, 1940, Vol. VII  1940
Metals Technology, 1941, Vol. VIII  1941
Metals Technology, 1942, Vol. IX  1942
Metals Technology, 1943, Vol. X  1943
Metals Technology, 1944, Vol. XI  1944
Metals Technology, 1945, Vol. XII  1945
Metals Technology, 1946, Vol. XIII  1946
Metals Technology, 1947, Vol. XIV  1947
Metals Technology, 1948, Vol. XV  1948
Mineral Economics, 1932  1932
Mining and Concentrating of Lead and Zinc - Vol. I, 1970  1970
Mining and Metallurgy 1920  1920
Mining and Metallurgy 1921  1921
Mining and Metallurgy 1922  1922
Mining and Metallurgy 1923  1923
Mining and Metallurgy 1924  1924
Mining and Metallurgy 1925  1925
Mining and Metallurgy 1926  1926
Mining and Metallurgy 1927  1927
Mining and Metallurgy 1928  1928
Mining and Metallurgy 1929  1929
Mining and Metallurgy 1930  1930
Mining and Metallurgy 1931  1931
Mining and Metallurgy 1932  1932
Mining and Metallurgy 1933  1933
Mining and Metallurgy 1934  1934
Mining and Metallurgy 1935  1935
Mining and Metallurgy 1936  1936
Mining and Metallurgy 1937  1937
Mining and Metallurgy 1938  1938
Mining and Metallurgy 1939  1939
Mining and Metallurgy 1940  1940
Mining and Metallurgy 1941  1941
Mining and Metallurgy 1942  1942
Mining and Metallurgy 1943  1943
Mining and Metallurgy 1944  1944
Mining and Metallurgy 1945  1945
Mining and Metallurgy 1946  1946
Mining and Metallurgy 1947  1947
Mining and Metallurgy 1948  1948
Mining and Metallurgy 1949  1949
Mining and Metallurgy 1950  1950
Mining Engineering, 1952, Vol IV  1952
Modern Uses of Nonferrous Metals 1935  1935
Modern Uses of Nonferrous Metals 1953  1953
Non-Ferrous Melting Practice, 1946  1946
Nonferrous Rolling Practice, 1948  1948
Oil Shale Symposia 1964-1968  1964
Open Hearth 1931-35  1931-1935
Open Hearth 1939  1939
Open Hearth 1940  1940
Open Hearth 1941  1941
Open Hearth 1942  1942
Open Hearth 1944  1944
Open Hearth 1945  1945
Open Hearth 1947  1947
Open Hearth 1956  1956
Open Hearth 1957  1957
Open Hearth 1958  1958
Open Hearth 1959  1959
Open Hearth 1960  1960
Open Hearth 1961  1961
Open Hearth 1962  1962
Open Hearth 1963  1963
Open Hearth 1964  1964
Open Hearth 1965  1965
Open Hearth 1966  1966
Open Hearth 1967  1967
Open Hearth 1968  1968
Open Hearth 1969  1969
Open Hearth 1970  1970
Open Hearth 1972  1972
Open Hearth 1974  1974
Open Hearth 1975  1975
Open Hearth 1977  1977
Ore Deposits of the United States 1933-1967 Volume I  1977
Ore Deposits of the United States 1933-1967 Volume II & Indices  1977
Petroleum Conservation, 1951  1951
Petroleum Development and Technology in 1926  1926
Petroleum Development and Technology in 1927  1927
Petroleum Technology, 1938, Vol. I  1938
Petroleum Technology, 1939, Vol. II  1939
Petroleum Technology, 1941, Vol. IV  1941
Petroleum Technology, 1942, Vol. V  1942
Petroleum Technology, 1943, Vol. VI  1943
Petroleum Technology, 1944, Vol. VII  1944
Petroleum Technology, 1945, Vol. VIII  1945
Petroleum Technology, 1946, Vol. IX  1946
Petroleum Technology, 1947, Vol. X  1947
Petroleum Technology, 1948, Vol. XI  1948
Pirotechnia of Vannoccio Biringuccio, 1943  1943
Problems of Clay and Laterite Genesis, 1952  1952
Proceedings of the Institute of Metals Division 1928  1928
Production of Petroleum in 1923  1923
Production of Petroleum in 1924  1924
Rock 1966 Mechanics 8th Symposium  1966
Rock 1967 Mechanics 9th Symposium  1967
Rock 1968 Mechanics 10th Symposium  1968
Rock 1969 Mechanics 11th Symposium  1969
Seventy-Five Years of Progress in the Mineral Industry, 1871-1946  1871-1946
Source Book-AIME 1933  1933
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production  1945
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1946  1946
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1947  1947
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1948  1948
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1949  1949
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1950  1950
Statistics of Oil and Gas Development and Production 1954  1954
Symposium on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Metals, 1944  1944
Technical Writing AIME Series 1931  
The Development of Mineral Industry Education in the United States 1941  1941
The Examination of Prospects, A Mining Geology, 1932  1932
The First Century and a Quarter of American Coal Industry, 1942  1942
The Original Steelmakers  1984
The Pittsburgh Coal Bed - Its Early History and Development, 1938  1938
The Porphyry Coppers in 1956  1957
The Porphyry Coppers, 1933  1933
The Solidification of Metals and Alloys, 1951  1951
Tube Producing Practice, 1951, Vol. 4  1951