William Page Morris
AIME Charles F. Rand Memorial Gold Medal* in
William Page Morris is president and a director of the Duval Corporation of Houston, Texas. During his 38-year career in mining, he has given unselfishly of his time and talents to numerous associations.
Mr. Morris received his degree in mining engineering from the Colorado School of Mines in 1930. He began his mining career a year later with Valier Coal Company in Valier, Illinois. In 1932 he joined United States Potash Company in Carlsbad, N. M. and stayed until 1940, worked first as an underground motorman and later (1934-1940) as a safety and haulage engineer.
In 1940 Morris went to work for International Minerals & Chemical Corporation in Carlsbad and stayed on until 1949 when he joined Duval Corporation as general superintendent. At Duval he was named vice president and assistant general manager in 1954, executive vice president in March, 1957, and president in June, 1957. In October of 1967 he was appointed president and a director of Duval Sierrita Corporation and in September of 1968 president and a director of Duval Corporation of Canada. He is also a director of Duval Sales Corporation.
Mr. Morris is a director of The Sulphur Institute, the American Potash Institute, Inc., and the New Mexico Mining Association. He was the 1962 recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award of the Colorado School of Mines.