Awards & Scholarships

Jeffrey J. Schwoebel

AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award in

For the paper "Coal Bed Methane: Conversion of a Liability to an Asset"

Jeffrey J. Schwoebel is Vice President of Operations for Resource Enterprises. Inc. in Salt Lake City. Mr. Schwoebel is responsible for all operations of the company which focuses on commercial and research activities involving recovery and utilization of coalbed methane. His commercial activities include management of underground degasification projects. contract drilling in advance of mining and surface gas recovery from coal seams. His research activities include Project Management for the Gas Research Institute Deep Coal Seam Project.

Mr. Schwoebel holds a B.S. in Mining Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University. During his senior year, he was the recipient of a Conoco Scholarship Award. Following graduation Mr. Schwoebel was employed by Valley Camp Coal Company and Donaldson Mine Co. He held various production positions including General Mine Superintendent of 15-A Mine in West Virginia.

Mr. Schwoebel is a member of both the Society of Mining Engineers and the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He has authored several publications discussing the status of the Deep Coal Seam Project.

Mr. Schwoebel's paper was published in the April, 1987 issue of Mining Engineering.