Awards & Scholarships

B.R. Brown (SME)

AIME Erskine Ramsay Medal* in

"In recognition of national and international leadership in guiding efforts to bring coal's important message to the public and insuring that political decisions that impact the coal industry are based on sound science."

B.R Brown is chair and chief executive officer of Consol.

He joined Conoco in 1957 and advanced through a succession of production and management positions. He was named vice president in 1974 and advanced to senior vice president of personnel in 1975. Brown joined Consolidation Coal Company in 1977 as executive vice president. Later that year, he was named president and chief operating officer. He remained in that post until 1982, when he became chair and chief executive officer of Consolidation Coal and president of coal operations of Conoco. In 1987, when coal operations were moved from Conoco, he was president and chief executive officer of Consolidation Coal; he was elected to chair, president, and chief executive officer of Consol.