Antoine Marc Gaudin (SME)
AIME Robert H. Richards Award* in
Antoine Marc Gaudin, the son of a distinguished French engineer and grandson of a pioneer crystal chemist, received his Bachelor's degree in France, and an E.M. degree from Columbia University in 1921. Throughout his career as a research mineral and metallurgical engineer and as a teacher of mineral engineering, Dr. Gaudin has contributed many technical papers to AIME and other publications.
After holding professorships in Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Utah, and in Mineral Dressing at the Montana School of Mines, Dr. Gaudin joined the faculty of M.I.T. as Richards Professor of Mineral Engineering in 1939. In addition to this post, he is also currently acting as a consultant to Industry and Government, both here and abroad.
Dr. Gaudin is perhaps best known for his contributions to the theory and practice of flotation, and for his hooks, "Principles of Mineral Dressing," and "Flotation". In recent years, however, his interests have equally embraced such fields of inquiry as hydrometallurgy, ion-exchange, solvent extraction, and metallurgical applications of radioactive isotopes. Dr. Gaudin considers that Mineral Engineering is not limited to any one kind of mineral, to any one kind of ore, or to any one way of solving a technological puzzle. Therefore the Citation accompanying the award refers specifically hut not exclusively to his leadership in recovering uranium from low grade ores.