John Meston Lovejoy
John Meston Lovejoy was born in 1889 in New York City. He graduated from Columbia School of Mines in 1911. An Honorary Degree of Bachelor of Science was awarded him by Colby College in 1937. After graduation from Columbia, he pursued geological and engineering work in South America, China, and the United States until 1916 when World War I intervened. From 1917 to 1919, he was successively Lieutenant and Captain of Field Artillery, U. S. Reserve Forces.
At the conclusion of his military service, Mr. Lovejoy was Manager and Vice-President of Amerada Petroleum Corp. until 1923. Shortly thereafter, he was elected President and Chairman of the Board of Seaboard Oil Co., which positions he held until retirement in 1954. He is currently a Consultant in Oil Investments.
Mr. Lovejoy was elected to membership in AIME in 1916 and has proved to be one of its most valuable members. From 1930 to 1933, he served as Director, concurrently being Vice-President in 1935 and President in 1936. His acumen and administrative ability are constantly available to the Institute and he has served or is serving on many of its most important committees.
From 1933 to 1954, Mr. Lovejoy was a Director of the American Petroleum Institute and is now an Honorary Life Director. From 1940 to 1945, he was a member of the Petroleum War Council.